RUC anbefaler | RUC recommends
From Jennifer Eschweiler
51 plays 0Congratulations Lou, Eluar and Danny! In the new episode, the three of them talk about their final theses and their study experience. So be sure to listen if you want… -
19 plays
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From Rashmi Singla
51 plays 0Book interview: Living Apart Together Transnationally (LATT) Couples by Rashmi Singla… -
From Nynne Bruun Pedersen
20 plays 0In this video you can get an introduction to using Moodle at RUC as a teacher. The video is made by the Unit for Academic Development (EAE) - you can find out more… -
From Nynne Bruun Pedersen
33 plays 0I denne video kan du finde en indflyvning til dig, der skal i gang med at bruge Moodle på RUC. Videoen er lavet af Enheden for Akademisk Efteruddannelse på…