RUC anbefaler | RUC recommends

  • From Jennifer Eschweiler

    51 plays 0  
    Congratulations Lou, Eluar and Danny! In the new episode, the three of them talk about their final theses and their study experience. So be sure to listen if you want…
  • From Patrick Jim Hedensted

    19 plays

Seneste | Latest

  • From Rashmi Singla

    51 plays 0  
    Book interview: Living Apart Together Transnationally (LATT) Couples by Rashmi Singla…
  • From Nynne Bruun Pedersen

    20 plays 0  
    In this video you can get an introduction to using Moodle at RUC as a teacher. The video is made by the Unit for Academic Development (EAE) - you can find out more…
  • From Nynne Bruun Pedersen

    33 plays 0  
    I denne video kan du finde en indflyvning til dig, der skal i gang med at bruge Moodle på RUC. Videoen er lavet af Enheden for Akademisk Efteruddannelse på…