Teaching and
supervision in any academic field is a fundamentally gendered terrain. And yet
it seems that many academics and students are not aware, or don’t have the
opportunity to reflect on just how deeply gender issues impact on pedagogical
practices and planning, learning processes and everyday activities at the
In this seminar, we discuss how these issues implicitly and
explicitly structure communication and interaction in lectures, seminars,
supervision, examinations and beyond. Participants are invited to share their
own experiences. By introducing techniques and mechanisms for ‘gender-sensitive
teaching’, the seminar then offers a platform for both teachers and students to
become more aware of gender matters, and to actively work towards making the
university a more inclusive environment.
The seminar includes
practical exercises and discussion of concrete examples, as well as a broad
introduction into the concept of ‘gender-sensitive teaching’ and how to include
it in Higher Education.
Lektor og CKMM-medlem, Laura Horn
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