Search for tag: "python"

Built-in data types [en]

An introduction to the most important built-in datatypes in Python.

From  Maja Hanne Kirkeby 133 plays 0  

How to open and close a Jupyter Notebook (on MacOS)

A guide on how to open and close a Jupyter notebook on MacOS.

From  Maja Hanne Kirkeby 280 plays 0  

Hello world - code along (EN)

A code-along exercise in Python where we create the "hello world" program using a Jupyter Notebook.

From  Maja Hanne Kirkeby 405 plays 0  

Hello world - code along (DK)

En code-along øvelse i Python, hvor vi koder "Hello world" programmet i en Jupyter Notebook.

From  Maja Hanne Kirkeby 17 plays 0