Search for tag: "social entrepreneurship"

WHYSE? Podcast Episode 13: Studying sports as social entrepreneurship

In this episode James and Irene talk with Anton about the group project he did together with five other students in Social Entrepreneurship and Management during their first semester at SEM. They…

From  Jennifer Eschweiler 1 plays 0  

WHYSE? Podcast Episode 12: Circular Economy

In this episode, we travel back in time to a beautiful sunny day in summer 2020, when people were enjoying a chilled Sunday at Reffen, Copenhagen's Street Food Market. Caroline visited an event…

From  Jennifer Eschweiler 4 plays 0  

WhySE? Podcast Episode 8: Graduation

Congratulations Lou, Eluar and Danny! In the new episode, the three of them talk about their final theses and their study experience. So be sure to listen if you want to hear a wrap up of taking…

From  Jennifer Eschweiler 50 plays 0  

WHYSE Episode 6: SEM Alumni Feature - Kai Green

In this 2nd WHYSE? SEM Alumni episode Lou and Simika are talking to Kai Green, who graduated in 2018 and is now a PhD student at RUC. He tells us why he chose SEM as a Master degree and what made him…

From  Jennifer Eschweiler 6 plays 0  

SEMs WHYSE? Podcast: Episode 0 - Why study social entrepreneurship?

Aurelia, Olivia and Eluar are introducing the WHYSE? podcast, explaining why they started studying social entrepreneurship: Being on the right side of capitalism, contribute in a meaningful way to…

From  Jennifer Eschweiler 25 plays 0  

Professor Lars Hulgaard and Professor Roger Spear: Introduction to MA in Social Entrepreneuship and Management

Professor Lars Hulgaard and Professor Roger Spear: Introduction to MA in Social Entrepreneuship and Management

From  Video Videoadmin 29 plays 0